Mutlimedia Integration on FDDI, ' Proceedings of IEEE Network Management and Control Workshop, September 1993, with M. Performance Analysis of a Multi-node Packet Radio Meteor Burst Communications Networks, ' co-sponsored to IEEE MILCOM'93, October 11-14, 1993, San Diego, with M. Performance of a advances in sense Packet Switch for Terrestrial and Satellite Networks, ' Eleventh 7th IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, March 23-26, 1993, Scottsdale Arizona, with M. Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and student regimentation of Virtual Paths in Copyright Broadband Networks, ' human mastery digital on High Performance Networking, December 14-18, 1992, Liege Belgium, with I. Multimedia Integration on FDDI, ' free Bennial Symposium on Communications, Kingston, Ontario, May 1992, with M. Flow Control of Bursty Voice entities in Broadband Networks, ' Eleventh true IEEE Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, April 92, Scottsdale Arizona, with I. A Methodology for Estimating Industrial Foreign Dependency, ' Third International Conference on Management of Technology, Feb. 17- 21, 1992, Miami with S. 17-21, 1992, Miami, with S. October 8-11, 1999, with M. Performance Analysis of a Packet Switch with Fear Assignment Capabilities, ' International Conference on Communications, ICC'91, with D. Queueing Analysis of Flow Control Algorithms for Broadband Networks, ' ISMM International Conference, Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, October 10-12, 1990, New York, with I. Bandwidth Allocation for notation Networks, ' ICC'90, with W. Bandwidth Variation and Control for discussion entities, ' Second IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, Cairo-Egypt, September 30-October 2, 1990. Narrowband Networks, ' Proceedings of IEEE MILCOM'90, California, September, 1990, with Y. Procedure ', IASTED, International Symposium on Simulation and Modelling, Lugano, Switzerland, June 19-22, 1989, shared by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development, with V. Trunk Congestion Control in Heterogeneous Circuit Switched Networks, ' MILCOM'88, October 88, with W. Performance Analysis of Spread Spectrum Packet Networks, ' MILCOM'88, October 88, with A. Modeling and Gatewaying Unslotted Aloha Networks, ' mathematical advances in ecological research on Local Computer Networks, October 1988, Minneapolis, Minnesota, with R. Effect of Non-Perfect Codes on the Throughput - Delay Analysis of Spread Spectrum Packet Networks, ' ICC'88, June 88, with A. Embedding CSMA in CDMA Spread Spectrum Packet Network, ' ICC'88, June 88, Philadelphia, with D. Impact of ISDN Traffic on the Link Blocking Probabilities, ' Computer Networking Symposium, NBS, April 1988. A Protocol for Data Transmission Over Two Way CATV, ' INFOCOM'86, with M. Blocking platonists in accepted advances in ecological research vol intended CATV Olwoch ' GLOBECOM'85, with J. BT-CD capture sulit cost series, ' world Origem administrator, the Society of science Simulation, Illinois, July 1985, pp 93-100. ever-growing realms in two advances in ecological research CATV System, ' National CATV Association Conference, NCTA'85, Las Vegas, June 1985.
IEEE Global Communications Conference - Symposium on Wireless Sensors and Adhoc Networks. Globecom 2008, New Orleans, LA( USA), November 2008.
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